From: Huffington Post
WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama is leaving the door to open to possible prosecution of Bush administration officials who devised harsh terrorism-era interrogation tactics.

My Comments:
Thank you for listening to reason Mr. President. I know you've said that you would prefer to move forward on this issue, so I think you are doing the right thing. Accountability, in my opinion, is the only way to truly move forward. Isn't that the whole point of justice?

And by insisting that CIA agents not be prosecuted, instead going up the chain of command leaves open the door to prosecuting Bush himself and Cheney. Go Obama!

Obama to Lift Some Restrictions on Cuba

From: Washington Post
President Obama will announce today that he is lifting some restrictions on Cuban Americans' contact with Cuba and allowing U.S. telecom companies to operate there, opening up the communist island nation to more cellular and satellite service, a senior White House official said.

My Comments:
And it's about time too! This has been one of the most asinine policies and has come between families caused a great deal of economic hardship for Cuban civilians.

Tea Party Video: Right-Wing Tax Protests Caught On Tape

From: HuffingtonPost
Hundreds of tea party protests are scheduled in cities and towns across the country for tax day. But the curious don't need to wait till April 15 to get a sense of what these protests might be like. Several events happened on Feb. 27, less than two weeks after CNBC's Rick Santelli howled about irresponsible government spending and called for a Chicago tea party in an impromptu rant. And several people brought video cameras to those events. Herewith, a roundup of some of the best vids, which hopefully provide clues for what to expect on tax day:

My Comments:
Oh good grief. The unhinged, psychotic right wing is coming out in force. I could barely sit through these videos without cringing and wanting to shout obscenities at these lunatics. And to think, they are out there protesting against their own best interests. Protesting to make sure they get as little as possible and it all gets soaked up by the already fabulously wealthy. This is hoodwinked America at it's worst.

With Advocates’ Help, Squatters Call Foreclosures Home

From: The New York Times
MIAMI — When the woman who calls herself Queen Omega moved into a three-bedroom house here last December, she introduced herself to the neighbors, signed contracts for electricity and water and ordered an Internet connection.

What she did not tell anyone was that she had no legal right to be in the home.

My Comments:
Well, at least all those foreclosed homes are being put to good use instead of just sitting empty and many people who would otherwise be living on the streets have a roof over their heads. Just wait until the crazy right wing hears about this though. They'll probably try and start revolution over it or something.


From: HuffingtonPost
Not too long ago, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann was on Hardball, calling for the media to investigate her Congressional colleagues to "find out if they are pro-America or anti-America." Well, it turns out that someone has taken up Bachmann's call on a proactive basis! His name is Spencer Bachus and he has made a list -- a secret list! -- of the socialists in the House of Representatives. Or so he told the Birmingham News. Who are the seventeen socialists? That's the secret part, apparently.

My Comments:
Looks like McCarthyism just got resuscitated in the U.S. Congress. Well guess what, I have a list of fascists and it includes Bachus, Bachman, Hannity, Limbaugh and Beck, among others.

Communities Print Own Money To Keep Cash Flowing

From: usatoday.com
A small but growing number of cash-strapped communities are printing their own money.

Borrowing from a Depression-era idea, they are aiming to help consumers make ends meet and support struggling local businesses.

The systems generally work like this: Businesses and individuals form a network to print currency. Shoppers buy it at a discount — say, 95 cents for $1 value — and spend the full value at stores that accept the currency.

My Comments:
Another sign that the economy won't be coming back any time soon. I knew as soon as I heard Jim Cramer announce "the depression is over" that we were really in this for the long haul. And sure enough, in other news: Stocks fall after 4-week rally. Like I've been saying - it's time to learn how to garden.

Jim Cramer Declares The Depression "Over"

From: Huffington Post
On Thursday's episode of "Mad Money" host Jim Cramer declared that the depression is, well, over. No stranger to making bold statements about the stock market and the economy, ">Cramer delivered the news in his own inimitable style, unequivocally stating with gusto: "Right now, right here on this show -- I am pronouncing the Depression over."

My Comments:
Seriously? It seems to me that this guy is consistently wrong. And not just wrong by spectacularly wrong. As in 180 degrees wrong. So, this may be a good time to learn how to garden because if Cramer is saying that the depression is over, then I think we're in this economic downturn for the long haul.

Bachmann Blasts Obama's "Economic Marxism," Calls For "Orderly Revolution" To Save Freedom

From: Talking Points Memo
Wow. Just plain wow. This past Wednesday, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) appeared on Sean Hannity's radio show, and sharply reiterated her calls for revolution in America, warning against the imminent dangers of tyranny under Barack Obama:

My Comments:
So let me get this straight... You can undermine the constitution and the bill of rights, you can do away with habeas corpus, you can kidnap people and "rendition" them to other countries for torture in secret prisons, you can eaves drop on every American and none of this is considered tyranny - it is in fact perfectly ok with everyone in the right wing... But tax the rich a little more and WHOA, we have a tyrant and it's time to start a revolution!

These people make me sick!

UK Scientists Grow A Living Human 'Brain'

From: Sky News
The team at Aston University created tiny bundles of cells which act like a mini nervous system.

They believe it could help find a cure for degenerative conditions like Alzheimer's, motor neurone or Parkinson's disease.

Professor Michael Coleman is leading the research.

He explained: "We are aiming to be able to study the human brain at the most basic level, using an actual living human cellular system.

My Comments:
I love technology. Can't wait to see where this stuff takes us in another 10, 15, 20 years.

Pentagon exploring robot killers that can fire on their own

From: www.mcclatchydc.com
WASHINGTON — The unmanned bombers that frequently cause unintended civilian casualties in Pakistan are a step toward an even more lethal generation of robotic hunters-killers that operate with limited, if any, human control.

My Comments:
And I thought it was scary that robotic drones were controlled from underground bunkers 6000 miles away. Now they want to let the drones decide on their own when to shoot. Say hello to Skynet.

Diebold Admits Systemic Audit Log Failure; State Vows Inquiry

From: Wired.com
SACRAMENTO, California — Premier Election Solutions (formerly Diebold Election Systems) admitted in a state hearing Tuesday that the audit logs produced by its tabulation software miss significant events, including the act of someone deleting votes on election day.

My Comments:
Did anyone ever think that Diebold's electronic voting machines would be reliable?

Will a Shift to Cloud Computing Create or Cut Jobs?

From Salon
I don’t often look to movies about beer for poignant macroeconomic commentary, but as February ended with an 8.1 percent unemployment rate (and rising), a line from “Strange Brew” struck me as particularly relevant. As they’re introduced to their new jobs as the only two workers on the bottling line, the Mackenzie brothers are told: “Welcome to 1984, the age of automation and unemployment. The rise of the machine and the fall of man. The end of the human era.”

Will cloud computing, as some predict, be to information technology today what automation was to the assembly line in the ’80s? If so, what happens to those jobs? To the people who used to do them?

My Comments:
Having made my living in IT for the past decade (and then some) and being currently unemployed, this article hits particularly close to home for me.

Perino: Bush Deserves Credit For Recent Market Uptick

From: Huffingtonpost
Former White House spokesperson Dana Perino said on Sunday that the Bush administration, while presiding over the start of the current recession, nevertheless deserved some credit for the modest uptick that Wall Street experienced this past week.

My Comments:
Seriously? Bush's people have been trying to absolve him of any responsibility for the terrible economy and pin it on Obama for the past month or so, now they see a slight uptick and they want Bush to get credit for it? The mendacity is appalling.

Lieberman open to reunion with Democrats

From The Hill
Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) is not ruling out running as a Democratic candidate in his reelection race in 2012.

Lieberman said on Thursday that he has been asked by friends about the possibility of returning to the party that nominated him for vice president in 2000.

My Comments:
Oh good grief. Do you think he'd be considering this if McCain had won? This little traitor just wants to be close to power. I hope he gets shot to the curb by the Dems. Better yet, he should just go back to Israel where his only true loyalties lay. Lieberman is the only reason I'm glad Gore didn't win in 2000. To think of this weasel occupying the VP office gives me chills.

Obama's New Tack: Blaming Bush President Points to 'Inherited' Economy

From: Washington Post
In his inaugural address, President Obama proclaimed "an end to the petty grievances and false promises, the recriminations and worn-out dogmas that for far too long have strangled our politics."

My Comments:
I'm happy to see the President fighting back on this one. The mendacity of the right wing continues to be appalling.

Weary of Looking for Work, Some Create Their Own

From: NY Times
Economists say that when the economy takes a dive, it is common for people to turn to their inner entrepreneur to try to make their own work. But they say that it takes months for that mentality to sink in, and that this is about the time in the economic cycle when it really starts to happen — when the formerly employed realize that traditional job searches are not working, and that they are running out of time and money.

My Comments:
I can attest personally to the difficulty of finding work in this market. Having had only a few job interviews and no offers since being laid off almost 2 and a half months ago I've turned to this blog and another website project I am working on in hopes of making a living on my own.

Jim Cramer Emasculated on The Daily Show

From: Comedy Central

My Comments
Holeeee Shite! I am scared of Jon Stewart. If ever I have the opportunity to be on his show, I hope I'm on his good side. Jim Cramer of CNBC's Mad Money was not on Stewart's good side. At times I felt sorry for the hapless clown. His body language was painful to watch. He seemed like a crushed man, as if he might burst into tears at any moment. At the same time, I have great respect for Jon Stewart's direct, no bull shit approach. He called Cramer out on every attempt at downplaying the cheer leading of the MSM and thus it's culpability in the vast market scandals which have brought America's economy to it's knees. Stewart made clear that it was not about Cramer personally but what he represents. Stewart's quick wit, clarity of focus and unrelenting truth seeking is refreshing. I hope this heralds a new day in journalism.

The true power of humor has never in my memory been so starkly demonstrated. In it's darkest times humanity must look to it's jesters for truth and levity.

CNN Poll Rates Obama's First Fifty Days As "Yes" Or "No"

From: Huffingtonpost
In the clearest sign yet that CNN has maybe laid off all the wrong people, comes news that a poll the news organization put on their website to allow users to rate President Barack Obama's first fifty days may have been created and edited by people who were vastly unclear on the whole concept of polling. Click here to see a screenshot of the whole page, from Digg, if you like.

Jack Cafferty: GOP becoming a cartoon

From: CNN.com
NEW YORK (CNN) -- The Republican Party is becoming a cartoon.
Where to start?
Bobby Jindal: "I'm certainly not nearly as good of a speaker as Obama." Good OF a speaker? How about not as good at eighth-grade grammar either. It's embarrassing.
Sarah Palin? Billing the taxpayers for her kids to travel to official events the children weren't even invited to? She finally agreed to pay back the state for that money she took.

My Comments:
More than a cartoon, they are becoming outright treasonous.

Coulter, Maher spar at Radio City

From: Politico.com
NEW YORK — Bill Maher couldn’t have asked for a better act to follow.

Maher took the stage at the Radio City Music Hall Monday after Ann Coulter – with whom he’d spend the rest of the night debating – had held forth for 15 minutes on the sins of liberals.

My Comments:
Wish I could have seen this live. Anyone remember when Coulter was a regular on Maher's show, Politically Incorrect? And by the way, I'm pretty sure Ann is a Man. Take a close look at that Adams apple. Not that I mind, it's just the hypocrisy that gets me.

The Silent Minority

From: Huffingtonpost
There is a minority group in America that is a bigger percentage of the country than blacks or Hispanics. But they are often ignored or derided in public. Almost no politician would ever admit to being one. And they are given no voice in the public arena.

They are the non-religious.

My Comments:
Anyone who knows me knows that I am among those non-religious, non-believers. I can relate entirely to this article.

What the Heck Is Twitter?

From: Slate.com
It's not a Google killer, and it's not a Facebook killer.

For you and me, Twitter is a fun way to procrastinate. But for Silicon Valley's chattering classes, the microblogging company has emerged as something much more—the next Google, the next Facebook, or maybe some unbeatable combination of the two. "It's time to start thinking of Twitter as a search engine," TechCrunch's Michael Arrington declared this week, joining a chorus that includes John Battelle, the San Jose Mercury News, and some of Twitter's venture funders. By collecting millions of people's immediate thoughts, Twitter is building the Web's best database of "real time" information, these people argue. And that collection might be very valuable—when people want to know what's going on in the world right now, they'll increasingly check Twitter, not Google.

My Comments:
Well, it's a great tool for driving traffic to your blog!

Really beginning to lose patience with Blogger

Elements simply disappear from the page with no warning or apparent reason. Posts vanish, ads vanish, feeds vanish. They're never too difficult to fix, but who knows how long they've been missing or how many clicks are lost. Looking for a new host.

My Beef With Ann Coulter by Meghan McCain

From: The Daily Beast
It is no secret that being a Republican isn’t the most hip political stance a person can take right now. President Obama has successfully established himself as the hippest politician around. You know you’re big when Katy Perry wears a dress with your face on it to host the MTV Europe Music Awards. To my fellow Republicans: I’m sorry, I wish I could be more positive about the current “hipness” of our party. But being a Republican is about as edgy as Donny Osmond. Granted, being “hip” is not a reason to join a political party, or a reason to agree with its ideals. But it is a way to get the attention of a generation—or, more specifically, my generation.

My Comments:
W00t GOP cat fight!
Sorry, couldn't resist saying it. But really, more signs of republican fissures and infighting. I really do think that the meltdown of the GOP will open the door to additional political parties becoming viable in our system. Because really, only having 2 parties is NOT good for democracy.

Open Letter to the Republican Traitors (From a Former Republican)

From Huffingtonpost
Dear Republican Leaders: The Republican Party has become the party dedicated to sabotaging the American future. Check out the sermon I just delivered about the Republican Party on CNN when being interviewed by D.L. Hughley -- and/or read on.
Quote from letter: "Limbaugh is the new Hanoi Jane."

My Comments:
Holy moly! The most scathing indictment I've ever heard of the current republican party, from a former republican and key figure in creating the christian conservative movement in this country.

MN-Senate: Will It Ever End?

From: WaPo: The Fix
It's been 125 days since Minnesota voters went to the polls to choose between Norm Coleman and Al Franken as their next senator. And yet, the Minnesota Senate seat still sits vacant.

The election contest brought by Coleman following a recount that showed Franken with a 225-vote lead enters its seventh week today. Coleman's legal team rested its case last week and counsel for Franken expects to wrap up its own arguments either late this week or early next. Rebuttals by each side will follow and then closing arguments.

My Comments:
And on it goes. IMO Coleman needs to step down already and stop denying the people of Minnesota their representation in the senate.

Open Up Government Data

From: Howto.Wired.Com
Barack Obama rode into office with a high-tech, open source campaign that digitized the book on campaigning.

Now, with his selection of a celebrated open data advocate as his Chief Information Officer, Obama appears serious about bringing those same principles to the executive branch's treasure trove of data.

My Comments:
An excellent article on the soon to be live government website data.gov which will host a large number of official government documents and make them accessible to the general public. The article also covers how individuals can get involved.

GOP Rep: “Our Goal Is To Bring Down Approval Numbers” For Dems

From: whorunsgov.com
GOP Rep. Patrick McHenry, a key player in helping craft the Republican message, has offered an unusually blunt description of the Republican strategy right now.

My Comments:
So this is the GOPs plan for it's big come back? Repeat lies until they are believed. Just when you thought they could not sink any lower.

Why I'm Not Now and Have Never Been the Democrats' "Rush Limbaugh" ...by Michael Moore

From: MichaelMoore.com
I have watched with mild amusement this week the self-immolation of the Republican Party as it bows before the altar of Rush Limbaugh, begging for mercy, pleading for forgiveness, breathlessly seeking guidance and wisdom from The Oracle.

President Obama and the Democratic Party have wasted no time in pointing out to the American people this marriage from hell, tying Rush like a rock around the collective Republican neck and hoping for its quick descent to the netherworld of irrelevance.

My Comments:
What can I say about this that Michael Moore himself already hasn't. An excellent and elucidating read. Go check it out.

David Frum: Why Rush is Wrong

From: Newsweek
It wasn't a fight I went looking for. On March 3, the popular radio host Mark Levin opened his show with an outburst (he always opens his show with an outburst): "There are people who have somehow claimed the conservative mantle … You don't even know who they are … They're so irrelevant … It's time to name names …! The Canadian David Frum: where did this a-hole come from? … In the foxhole with other conservatives, you know what this jerk does? He keeps shooting us in the back … Hey, Frum: you're a putz."

My Comments:
A very interesting and surprisingly lucid take by one arch conservative on another arch conservative and the conservative movement in general. Refreshing to see some clarity in the GOP even if I don't agree with him.

It is All Obama's Fault: The Republican Twilight Zone

From: Huffingtonpost
What exceeds even the outrageous irresponsibility of Bush's blame shifting is the recent suggestion by Republicans and right wing pundits that the time has come for Obama to take responsibility for our economic problems.

How to stop the drug wars

From: Economist.com
Prohibition has failed; legalisation is the least bad solution
A HUNDRED years ago a group of foreign diplomats gathered in Shanghai for the first-ever international effort to ban trade in a narcotic drug. On February 26th 1909 they agreed to set up the International Opium Commission—just a few decades after Britain had fought a war with China to assert its right to peddle the stuff. Many other bans of mood-altering drugs have followed. In 1998 the UN General Assembly committed member countries to achieving a “drug-free world” and to “eliminating or significantly reducing” the production of opium, cocaine and cannabis by 2008.

My Comments:
This is an issue which particularly hits home for me. There are so many arguments in favor of decriminalization I could go of for days writing about it here. You will definitely see a great deal of posts and discussion here on this topic. For now, I'll leave the arguments to the article above.

Obama to End Stem Cell Ban Monday

From: U.S. News
SATURDAY, March 7 (HealthDay News) -- President Barack Obama will lift the eight-year ban on embryonic stem cell research on Monday, the White House has announced.

A White House ceremony is scheduled for late morning, when Obama will issue an executive order formally removing the federal funding limits imposed by his predecessor, President George W. Bush, in 2001.

My Comments:
As so many have already said - What a relief to have a President who values science!

Steele soothes jittery RNC nerves

From: TheHill
Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Michael Steele reassured his members Friday that he is up to the job, following a week in which his leadership was questioned over remarks he made about conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh.

My Comments:
Michael Steele, you're my hero.

RNC Members, GOP Strategist Describe Party In Turmoil

From: Huffingtonpost
The concerns with the tenure of RNC Chair Michael Steele continue to mount, both on a broad and managerial level. A day after one RNC member called on the newly elected chair to step down from his perch, another publicly rapped the Maryland Republican for the histrionics he has brought to the post.

My Comments:
If I were a gambler, I'd say this would be a good time to start taking bets on how much longer Steele will last as party chairman before the GOP pitchfork mob led by Limbaugh starts chasing him through the streets.

Stimulus by State

From: Stimulus Watch
StimulusWatch.org was built to help the new administration keep its pledge to invest stimulus money smartly, and to hold public officials to account for the taxpayer money they spend. We do this by allowing you, citizens around the country with local knowledge about the proposed "shovel-ready" projects in your city, to find, discuss and rate those projects. These projects are not part of the stimulus bill. They are candidates for funding by federal grant programs once the bill passes. Learn more by reading the FAQs.

My Comments:
There is no shortage of opinions on how the stimulus package should be spent or whether it should exist at all. But exist it does and for those who are interested in seeing exactly, dollar for dollar how it is being spent in each state, here is a great site.

I for one am impressed with the priorities shown by this stimulus bill and feel pretty confident that investment in infrastructure and education will go a long way to repairing our economy.

Hope, Science and Tomorrow: Stem Cell Research in 2009

From: Huffingtonpost
The year 2008 was filled with fear and doubt about the future and the strength of humanity, yet the science community still made astonishing advances. With science funding at an all-time low, we managed to successfully cure a 2-year-old's fatal genetic disease and to remove HIV and leukemia from a 42-year-old using stem-cell transplants.

My Comments:
I don't know a great deal about the science behind stem cell research, but from what I've read, there are some very exciting developments in the field. Including, as mentioned in the article above, the ability to turn adult cells back into stem cells and then into whatever type of cells are needed, thus eliminating the use of embryos and the associated controversy. This research also appears to be on the cusp of curing many diseases and in fact even reducing the effects of aging.

(Dan) Beard takes heat for greening Capitol

From: Politico.com
Dan Beard has always wanted to be a greeter at Wal-Mart.

Plenty of Republicans would be happy to see him take that job — or anything else that would get him away from the Capitol. But Beard, 65, says he’s in no hurry to leave his post as the chief administrative officer of the House of Representatives — a nonpartisan job that has earned him partisan complaints because he is carrying out an ambitious environmental agenda in what traditionally has been a bureaucratic job.

My Comments:
Is this all that is left of the republican party? Fighting against everything positive that anyone in government attempts? I know they're against government in general, but this is ridiculous. They need to come up with some ideas of their own or get out of the way.

U.N. to make ban on criticizing Islam mandatory?

From: wnd.com
Expected proposal would criminalize such comments in U.S.

Muslim-dominated nations at the United Nations are once again pushing a religious "anti-defamation" plan that would bar worldwide all criticism of their founder Muhammad and his teaching.

According to a report by CNN's Lou Dobbs posted on YouTube, the proposal that has been repeatedly brought in recent years by the Organization of Islamic Conference states is expected to resurface as early as this spring.

This time, however, the resolution wouldn't allow nations to opt out.

My Comments:
... For once, I am at a loss for words. This is a travesty. Islam can not be allowed to override the laws of all nations and especially not the constitution of the United States and it's first amendment. Please, write your representatives and urge them to vote against this.

My Thoughts: Is Obama Overreaching?

Let me just say it right up front: I want Obama to succeed! I think he has the makings to be one of the best presidents this country has every had. And what a relief after 8 years of the worst.

I'm just a little concerned about the sheer scale of the challenges he faces and am worried that he may be spreading a little thin. Any ordinary man would be crushed by the weight of the tasks which lie before us. But Obama is no ordinary man is he? That was amply proven by the organization and resulting success of his campaign. Even if 1/4 of his efforts are successful, it will be an immense achievement. But that probably won't be enough for the country to recover. I want to see him succeed across the board. I just hope the board isn't too big for even this giant of modern politics.

Your thoughts?

For GOP: all pain, no gain

From: Politico.com
Four months after John McCain’s sweeping defeat, senior Republicans are coming to grips with the fact that the party is still – in stock market terms – looking for the bottom.

Fred Malek, told POLITICO the party now sits at its “nadir” – though he, like others, said its best hope is to wait for the economy to tarnish Obama.

My Comments:
So the GOP's new strategy is "wait for Obama to fail". Brilliant. Looks like Limbaugh-the-Hutt really is their de-facto leader. Let's please remember and keep in mind: If the economy recovers - the GOP did nothing to help and actively hoped and worked for it to fail. If the economy fails - it is thanks to 8, nay 30 years of conservative mis-management which Obama is trying to undo with much resistance from the GOP. Either way, the economic downturn is owned by the GOP and they will own none of the recovery.

Dems seek 'Truth Commission' probe of Bush

WASHINGTON - Senate Democrats on Wednesday suggested Republicans should join their call for a nonpartisan "Truth Commission" to probe whether the Bush administration abused its power, or face partisan congressional investigations.

The GOP response: forget it.

My Comments:
I would like to see convictions and I feel that they are vital to reducing future abuses of power and restoring respect for the law. Such a commission as this may serve the purpose of giving resolution to many questions and allowing America to pull though these times without tearing itself apart in bitter bipartisanship. I hope the GOP comes to it's senses on this one.

Poll: Bobby Jindal’s Favorable Rating Is Only 15%

From: http://theplumline.whorunsgov.com
Looks like Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal’s big effort to introduce himself to America didn’t go over all that well with the public.

Buried in the internals of the new NBC/Wall Street Journal we find that only seven percent have “very positive” feelings towards Jindal, and only eight percent have “somewhat positive” feelings towards him.

My Comments:
For dems: It's beginning to look a lot like...
No really, every time I read the news I wonder how much longer the Republican party can survive it's ongoing self destruction. It is with much glee that I read articles, day after day, of republicans earning some much deserved (and self inflicted, I might add) comeuppance. I just hope they don't bring the entire country (and possibly the world) down with them.

Robin Williams Cancels 4 Shows Over Health Concerns

NEW YORK — Robin Williams is canceling several performances in Florida of his one-man comedy show, "Weapons of Self-Destruction," after recently experiencing shortness of breath.

My Comments:
Sending best wishes out to Robin Williams and his family. I'm sure I speak for all of his fans when I say I hope to see him back onstage in good health ASAP!

Just in: Michael Steel is Rush Limbaugh's Butt Boy

Michael Steele was the target of many a joke on MSNBC’s "Morning Joe" after he apparently declined to appear on the show.

My Comments:
It's looking more and more like Limbaugh is the "de facto" republican leader. I'm not sure if this is something to be laughed about or afraid of. The man's got a lot of listeners and could still be dangerous in his shaping of public opinion over the next few years. Lets just hope Obama keeps up the good work and that his efforts keep succeeding so this Limbaugh jerk doesn't get anything real to latch onto.

The Pirate Bay's final day in court (for now).

From TorrentFreak:
Today, The Pirate Bay trial will probably come to an end, but not before the defendants’ lawyers have their final say. All four lawyers call for their clients to be acquitted on various grounds, while offering caution to the court to ignore the political aspects of the trial.

My Comments:
It's been an interesting trial so far for those watching. Could this be the end of the Recording Industry as we know it? Or will pirates everywhere have to find a new place to download digital contraband?

Democrats' 'apology' Web site mocks Limbaugh

From CNN:
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Democrats plan to launch a Web site Wednesday that mocks GOP leaders for apologizing to radio host Rush Limbaugh for criticizing or publicly disagreeing with him.

My Comments:
Hah! (in my best Christ Matthews voice). Is it just me, or do the democrats seem to have a much more developed sense of humor? I'll be keeping an eye on this site (url not posted in the article), should make for some good laughs.

Electronic Self Defense

EFF Opines: How to Protect Oneself From Government Snooping

My Comments:
Interesting article and resource links on Electronic Surveillance Self Defense. Ever so relevant in these times.

Limbaugh is a Bonehead. Just like O'Reilly, Hannity & etc.

Letterman: Rush Limbaugh A "Bonehead"

My Comments:
Wouldn't it be great if a tv network held a series of nationally broadcast campaign style debates between the talk show hosts who are supportive of each party.

We've already seen Colbert wipe the floor with O'Reilly, but why not round 2!

Letterman would obliterate Limbaugh! What a great spectacle that would be.

Leno vs Hannity!
Maher vs Coulter!
Stewart vs Beck
Matthews vs ...

All the smart, funny people seem to be on the left with a bunch of ignorant, loudmouths on the right. This would be great TV!

Anyone have ideas for some other good match ups?

The Day the First Amendment Almost Died

Newsweek:Bush Considered Throwing Out First Amendment

I'm sure we all new this was going on. But to see actual proof is something else. I personally feel that if nothing else catalyzes trials against the Bush administration, this should:

From huffingtonpost

From thinkprogress


Welcome to the O'D report. Here I will be posting my commentary and opinions and inviting reader feedback on political, business, tech, science and world news articles that I find interesting, exciting, incendiary or otherwise comment worthy.
